Are you thinking of hiring your own on-call Chief Financial Officer (CFO)? Do you know how an effective CFO improves your profits, and your strategies? Are you wondering about the differences between a CFO and your CPA and how they support each other?

If you answered Yes to any of the above, you might be in the right place, especially if your company is dealing with any of the following:

  • You need more insight in how your company’s financial performance stacks up against your competition
  • You also need to know if you’re missing key opportunities that would quickly increase profits
  • Planning is a challenge without a strong budgeting and forecasting system
  • Your accounting systems aren’t clearly tracking profits or costs
  • Lenders are denying your company needed financing for future growth
  • You’re pretty sure your tax bill is too high

If any or all of the above statements are true, then a CFO is probably what you should be considering..

Good CFOs show you how to get to the next level, putting you at a competitive advantage over your rivals who do not make this move themselves.

Unlike your outside CPA, CFOs are much more cost effective. They work alongside you, aligning with you, your people, customers and vendors, knowing the detailed ins and outs of your business.

Great CFOs create systems that increase your cash flow, create reports tailored to you, clarify financial decisions, and provide you withnreal world vision that adds more to your bottom line so you can reach your personal goals.

If you are ready to take the next step in exploring whether your company is ready to onboard a CFO, complete our freenassessment so you can gauge whether this is something you should seriously consider.

Anthony Nitsos

Anthony Nitsos, CPA, CMA, MSc

Partner, Growth and Finance Strategist


Please watch my video below to learn more

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